Bare West

BareCamp is a weeklong naturist event with planned clothes off at 1200hrs on Monday 5th Sept and clothes back on at 1200hrs the following Monday. This gives everyone a potential full week of naturism within a lovely, farm setting. 

There will be organised entertainment, activities and outside visits. Typically, the day starts off with a breakfast van arriving on site from around 0800hrs followed by craft sessions, talks, coffee and cakes, boules and other such things taking place throughout the day. In the evening there will be quizzes, a film night and most evenings a silent disco very kindly provided by DJ’s Dave & Tony. The evening meals will either be a mass takeaway, think £600 Indian takeaway, pizzas or fish and chips cooked on site.

More information, including booking here

Event Details

Thorney Lakes, Thorney, Langport, United Kingdom, TA10 0DW

Start Date:
5th Sep 2022 at 00:00

End Date:
12th Sep 2022 at 00:00

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