Tulip Extravaganza

Nothing screams spring like the tulips. They come in all shapes and sizes with their flamboyant colours and frilly flowers.

At Forde Abbey, the garden team spent a few weeks last autumn planting 45,000 tulips and we are expecting an explosion of colour this spring.

We have chosen 35 different cultivars. To name a few, there shall be swathes of T. ‘White Prince’ and ‘Rosalie’ for the ones who believe beauty is in subtlety, T. ‘Purple Prince’ and ‘Sweet Heart’ for a splash of colour and masses of   T .’Carnival de Rio’ which are not for the faint hearted. Most importantly, there will be a pandemonium parrot tulips in various heart warming colours welcoming you all. A carefully selected mixture of wild species has been planted in other parts of the garden to sway in harmony with the wild flower meadows.

We would like to particularly point you towards our Tulip Swirl which is very popular.  Thousands of visitors come from far and wide every year to see our displays and we look forward to welcoming you all.

For further information please click on the following link:

Further Information

Image credit www.fordeabbey.co.uk


Event Details

Forde Abbey House and Gardens, Chard, Somerset, United Kingdom, TA20 4LU

Start Date:
15th Apr 2022 at 10:30

End Date:
15th May 2022 at 17:00

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