Comedy: Elvis McConagall: Full Tartan Jacket

Take Art Production. Stand-up poet, comedian and broadcaster, armchair revolutionary and walking shortbread tin, Elvis McGonagall, resides at the Graceland Caravan Park somewhere in the back of beyond, where he scribbles poetry while drinking malt whisky and listening to Johnny Cash.

His live shows feature biting and savagely funny satire in a blend of provocative verse and politically-savvy stand-up comedy, all imbued with searing wit, wordplay and anarchic invective. Pulling no punches but not afraid to be plain daft, Elvis directs his scurrilous diatribes at the powers-that-be from Westminster to Waitrose.

Tickets: £11 Full. £10 Concessions

Suitable for over 16s only

Please click on the link below for further information and booking details:-

Further Information and Booking Details

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Event Details

The David Hall, Roundwell Street, South Petherton, Somerset, United Kingdom, TA13 5AA

Start Date:
9th Apr 2022 at 20:00

End Date:
9th Apr 2022 at 20:00

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