Concert: Choice Grenfell - A Tribute to Joyce Grenfell

Directed by Simon Downing

In these somewhat uncertain times comes a wonderful evening of warmth, wit and gentle humour. Choice Grenfell features some of the best of Joyce’s delightful songs and monologues from ‘Stately as a Galleon’ and ‘School Nativity Play’ to ‘A Terrible Worrier’ and ‘First Flight’.

Joyce is our guide for a delve into some of her most joyful characters, ably accompanied by her trusted pianist. As Joyce would have said: ‘We request the pleasure of your company’ in the company of one of Britain’s best-loved comediennes.

Tickets £15 Full. £14 Concessions

For further details and booking information please click on the following link:-

Further Information and Booking Details

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Event Details

The David Hall, Roundwell Street, South Petherton, Somerset, United Kingdom, TA13 5AA

Start Date:
23rd Apr 2022 at 19:30

End Date:
23rd Apr 2022 at 19:30

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