Florence: the lesser-known life and legacy of Florence Nightingale

Louise Jordan presents ‘Florence: the lesser known life and legacy of Florence

Florence Nightingale was a campaigner and reformer whose pioneering
use of statistics called for government accountability and equal access to
healthcare for all. This one-woman-performance of original song and
storytelling shines a light on lesser known aspects of Florence
Nightingale’s life and work, to question why Florence’s extraordinary and
wide ranging achievements are so often overlooked.

Florence Nightingale spent less than two years as a nurse in the Crimea,
yet she lived to the age of ninety. She spent decades campaigning for
social reform worldwide, advocating equal access to healthcare for all
and become an expert in areas such as land irrigation, hospital design
and postal services for soldiers in order to advance her causes.

This dynamic performance celebrates Florence as a ground-breaking
statistician, connecting Florence’s work in the 19th century with the
issues we continue to face in 2021.


Tickets: £16 Full. £15 Concessions

For further information and booking details please click on the following link:

Further Information and Booking Details

Image credit www.thedavidhall.org.uk



Event Details

The David Hall, Roundwell Street, South Petherton, Somerset, United Kingdom, TA13 5AA

Start Date:
19th May 2022 at 20:00

End Date:
19th May 2022 at 20:00

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