Gonzo Moose

Gonzo Moose Theatre: Is that a Bolt in Your Neck

This show is a replacement for the previously advertised 'Death who's coming to Dinner?' Gonzo Moose will bring their trademark hilarity with 'Is that a Bolt in your Neck?' that toured last year to critical acclaim.

A castle looms dark and foreboding over a small mountain village. Inside, Dr Chekhov, the brilliant and reclusive scientist, works in secret.

The villagers live in dread. Strange shadows can be seen at the windows, and every night blood curdling cries of pain can be heard. What is Dr Chekhov doing? What hideous experiments is he perpetrating? What unimaginable horror might emerge from his laboratory?

All will be revealed in this wonderfully inventive and gripping comedy horror featuring three fearless actors, playing over 20 roles in 75 minutes of fast-paced fun and thrilling action

With comedy and thrills galore you’ll gasp, laugh and be amazed at the horrific experiments, the mind-boggling love, and the sensational death-defying finale.

Inspired by gothic horror movie classics of the 1930’S, IS THAT BOLT IN YOUR NECK? is a fast-paced, rollicking ride mixing spooky paranoia, surreal nightmare and frantic farce. Suitable for audiences from ages 8 to 80, the show is packed full of hilarious slapstick, verbal wit, and magical illusion.

For more information visit website

Image credit www.takeart.org



Event Details

Churchinford Village Hall, Taunton Road, Churchinford, Taunton, Somerset, United Kingdom, TA3 7QY

Start Date:
3rd Dec 2023 at 19:30

End Date:
3rd Dec 2023 at 22:00

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