The Geology of Ham Hill - Guided Walk

Following a brief introduction to the geology of the region, an opportunity to explore one of the best inland geological locations in Somerset.

Expansive views over the Somerset landscape, sculpted by the environmental upheavals of the past 400 million years. 

We'll visit the Yeovilian Substage of the Early Jurassic, around 177 million years ago, as exposed in a number of disused quarries in the Ham Hill Limestone.

These include a nationally important geological Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) together with a number of Local Geological Sites. 

We'll also consider how the geology has underpinned the archaeology, history, industry, agriculture, and biodiversity of Ham Hill - and how our volunteers are working to conserve our geoheritage.

Part of GeoWeek 2024 Active Geoscience

Cost £2.00 per adult  supported by National Heritage Lottery Fund 

Booking essential - To book please email Jasmine with the number of places you require and a contact phone number.  We will check the availability and confirm your place. Payment needs to be made by cash on the day please. We will respond to all emails, please check 'junk mail' if you haven't received a reply

Event Details

Ham Hill Country Park, Ham Hill, Stoke sub Hamdon, Somerset, United Kingdom, TA14 6RW

Start Date:
1st Jun 2024 at 10:30

End Date:
1st Jun 2024 at 15:30

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