Released On 2nd Mar 2023
Ham Hill speed limit consultation
The Countryside Team at South Somerset District Council have submitted a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) application to Somerset Highways to reduce the speed limit on Ham Hill Road from the national speed limit (60mph) down to 40mph. The formal public consultation objection period will start on 2nd March until 23rd March. The link below will take you to the application to view the full plans.
Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) Somerset
This application is the first step to improving visitor safety along the highway as part of the 'Uncovering Ham Hill's past for its future' Heritage Fund project at Ham Hill. The £2.4 million project will conserve and protect the wealth of archaeology at this Iron Age hillfort, improve biodiversity and habitat management, provide better visitor facilities and engage visitors and local communities with the heritage, geological, cultural and wildlife importance of Ham Hill.