Kingfishers at Yeovil Country Park

Released On 7th Jul 2021

Kingfishers at Yeovil Country Park

If you have always wanted to see a kingfisher in real life, head down to the Ninesprings area of Yeovil Country Park now!

The juvenile kingfishers have now fledged and their parents are busy teaching them how to fish and helping them to get to know their environment.

If you walk slowly around the Ninesprings Lake, keep a look out on low branches where you may see a kingfisher perched, waiting to dive in for it's next meal. Don't forget to listen out for their high pitched piping calls as they fly across the lake. Look out for the flash of blue.

Thanks to Jack Borland for sending us this wonderful photos of the kingfishers at Ninesprings.

Tags: Yeovil Country Park