Staying safe in the countryside as temperatures get set to soar

Released On 13th Jul 2022

Staying safe in the countryside as temperatures get set to soar

The countryside rangers that work across our country parks and nature reserves give warning to visitors looking to cool off and enjoy the sun this weekend.

The lakes, pools and rivers at Chard Reservoir and Yeovil Country Park might look like an appealing way to cool off & escape the heat as temperatures are set to rise this weekend, but the rangers want to remind their visitors that SWIMMING IS NOT PERMITTED at any of our countryside sites.

The water in the rivers, pond and reservoir is very cold - colder than the sea - and very deep in places. Cold water shock can put even good swimmers at a risk of drowning. The water quality at our country parks, although good for wildlife, is not good for people and a dip in our waterways could lead to a nasty tummy bug or infection.

The rangers would also like to remind visitors about the safety of barbeques in such dry conditions.  Barbeques are permanently banned at Ham Hill and Chard Reservoir, but whilst there still remains a barbeque area at Yeovil Country Park, near to Ninesprings Cafe, the rangers would like visitors to refrain from barbequing during these hot spells. The grasses around the barbeque area are very dry, due to the hot conditions and an unattended or left barbeque has the potential to cause a fire in these areas, putting people, buildings and wildlife at risk.

Enjoy the sun & stay safe!